Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy now!?!?!

Kadance and her Cousin Ryan

She needs to remember that he is her cousin...LOL.
Okay Nichole Happy!!

I can't beleive that my baby is almost 3!

Sorry for the lack or posts. Life is busy when you are trying to raise a toddler, take care of a husband, work and keep a house (which is not being kept very well). I am going to try to do better but no promises:)

Till next time.....


Mrs. Nichole J. said...

awe cutie kid!
hehe yes I am!

Bethany said...

Wow she is getting so big!!! Logan will be 1 1/2 in a few days. Time is flying!!! I have a blog too but I have it set on private. I can add you if you want!

Kadi's Mom said...

Yes Beth please add me!
She is getting too big:) and her imagination keeps me laughing:P

Rebekah said...

Aren't they cute???

I'm glad you updated. I've been hoping to find something new every time I've come by!

I think we need to have a lesson in COUSINS! hahahaha